We propose an automated procedure to prove polyhedral abstractions for Petri nets. Polyhedral abstraction is a new type of state space equivalence, between Petri nets, based on the use of linear integer constraints between the marking of places. In …
We propose a method for checking generalized reachability properties in Petri nets that takes advantage of structural reductions and that can be used, transparently, as a pre-processing step of existing model-checkers. Our approach is based on a new …
We propose an automated procedure to prove polyhedral abstractions for Petri nets. Polyhedral abstraction is a new type of state-space equivalence based on the use of linear integer constraints. Our approach relies on an encoding into a set of SMT …
SMPT (for Satisfiability Modulo Petri Net) is a model checker for reachability problems in Petri nets. It started as a portfolio of methods to experiment with symbolic model checking, and was designed to be easily extended. Some distinctive features …
We propose a new method that takes advantage of structural reductions to accelerate the verification of reachability properties on Petri nets. Our approach relies on a state space abstraction, called polyhedral abstraction, which involves a …
We define a new method for taking advantage of net reductions in combination with a SMT-based model checker. Our approach consists in transforming a reachability problem about some Petri net, into the verification of an updated reachability property …
Kong, the Koncurrent places Grinder, is a tool designed to compute the concurrency relation of a Petri net by taking advantage of structural reductions. The specificity of Kong is to rely on a state space abstraction, called polyhedral abstraction in …
We propose a semi-decision procedure for checking generalized reachability properties, on generalized Petri nets, that is based on the Property Directed Reachability (PDR) method. We actually define three different versions, that vary depending on …
We propose a new method for accelerating the computation of a concurrency relation, that is all pairs of places in a Petri net that can be marked together. Our approach relies on a state space abstraction, that involves a mix between structural …