PhD Thesis: A polyhedral Framework for Reachability Problems in Petri Nets


We propose and study a method to accelerate the verification of reachability problems in Petri nets based on structural reductions. This approach, that we call polyhedral reduction, relies on a state space abstraction that combines structural reductions and linear arithmetic constraints on the marking of places.

The correctness of this method is based on a new notion of equivalence between nets. Combined with an SMT-based model checker, one can transform a reachability problem about some Petri net, into the verification of an equivalent reachability property on a reduced version of this net. We also propose an automated procedure to prove that such an abstraction is correct, exploiting a connection with a class of Petri nets with Presburger-definable reachability sets.

In addition, we present a data structure, called Token Flow Graph (TFG), that captures the particular structure of constraints stemming from structural reductions. We leverage TFGs to efficiently solve two problems. First, to eliminate quantifiers that appear during our transformation, in the updated formula to be checked on the reduced net. Second, to compute the concurrency relation of a net, that is all pairs of places that can be marked simultaneously in some reachable marking.

We apply our approach to several symbolic model checking procedures and introduce a new semi-decision procedure for checking reachability properties in Petri nets based on the Property Directed Reachability (PDR) method. A distinctive feature of this PDR method is its ability to generate verdict certificates that can be verified using an external SMT solver.

Our approach and algorithms are implemented in four open-source tools: SMPT for checking reachability properties; Kong for accelerating the computation of concurrent places; Octant for eliminating quantifiers; and Reductron for automatically proving the correctness of polyhedral reductions. We give experimental results about their effectiveness, both for bounded and unbounded nets, using a large benchmark provided by the Model Checking Contest. We focus on the reproducibility of our results and provide an accompanying artifact that covers all our experiments.

INSA Toulouse
Nicolas Amat
Nicolas Amat
Postdoctoral researcher

Postdoctal researcher at the IMDEA Software Institute on Presburger arithmetic.
